Tensions continue in Thailand

Tensions  continue in Thailand - ảnh 1
Anti-government protesters stage a sit-in inside the Finance Ministry in Bangkok, Thailand, part of an escalating campaign to topple the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. (Photo:AP)

(VOVworld) - Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban on Friday called on demonstrators to occupy main government buildings at the weekend to increase pressure  on the administration of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. Thousands of people are expected to participate in the protests on Saturday and Sunday while securities are tightened in Bangkok.

On Friday, protestors entered the headquarters of the Thai royal army in Bangkok and asked them to support. The Commander of the ground forces called on parties involved to promptly find a peaceful solution for the current crisis. He said the army will protect the people once violence occurs. General Prayuth stressed that the army calls upon demonstrators of all parties to strictly abide by the law and democratic rules, adding that protestors should stay calm and should not attempt to cause division.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said Thailand will not hold early election to end the anti-government demonstration which has been in its sixth day. Ms. Yingluck said the government will not make concessions and continue negotiations to reach an agreement. She said as the current situation is sensitive, all parties should be patient and restrained

