Track and trace prioritized for pandemic control

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has requested relevant agencies and localities to race against time in tracing contacts of infected people and zoning off infected areas to ensure a new normality during Lunar New Year holiday.
Track and trace prioritized for pandemic control - ảnh 1

He told an online meeting of the National Steering Committee on COVId-19 Prevention and Control on Wednesday, “We are all in a race against time in a hope that all people in and out of the pandemic quarantine zones ensure smooth business, production and Tet (Lunar New Year) celebration. This requires even more rapid track and trace effort.”

Localities reported that COVID-19 outbreak in Chi Linh city, Hai Duong province, has been put under control while Hanoi has basically curbed the source of transmission from Hai Duong.  

Vietnam confirmed 20 more coronavirus cases, including 19 locally transmitted infections on Wednesday afternoon, according to the National Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control. Fourteen cases were detected in Hai Duong, the country’s biggest coronavirus hotspot. Nine of them are workers living in Chi Linh City where the virus recurred a week ago. Quang Ninh, another coronavirus hotspot, registered four cases, while Gia Lai province in the Central Highlands had one case. The remaining one case is a person entering Vietnam from Japan. 

As of 6pm Wednesday, Vietnam had 1,911 cases of COVID-19, of which 1,461 patients had been cured. There were 35 deaths.

