UNSC discusses Kosovo mission’s operation

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations Security Council on April 24 held an online meeting, discussing the operation of the UN Interim Administrative Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).
UNSC discusses Kosovo mission’s operation - ảnh 1

Speaking at the meeting, Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Head of the Vietnamese mission at the UN, asked Serbia and Kosovo to realise the agreement signed, untangle the knots in bilateral relations, and push up substantial dialogues for a comprehensive solution to the Kosovo issue on the basis of the fundamental principles of international law, UN charters and Resolution 1422 (1999) of the UNSC. He also voiced support for UNMIK operation aimed at building trust and accelerating cooperation between the two sides and assisting communities in Kosovo to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

UNSC members hailed a number of recent cooperation and trust-building activities by the two sides, and called on them to conduct substantial dialogues. Many countries continued to support the role of the UNMIK in Kosovo.

