Vietnam calls for joint efforts to accelerate global economic governance

(VOVworld) - Countries across the world need to take measures to accelerate global economic governance and national economic restructuring so as to lay a foundation for comprehensive and sustainable development.

Vietnam calls for joint efforts to accelerate global economic governance - ảnh 1
Deputy Foreign Minister of Vietnam, Nguyen Phuong Nga. Photo: VNA

Nguyen Phuong Nga, Deputy Foreign Minister of Vietnam, made the call at the 13th UN conference on trade and development (UNCTAD) in Doha, Qatar, from April 21-26. She also called for an elimination of trade protection measures that are exerting a negative impact on global economic recovery. Nga suggested that the UN organisation better perform its role in addressing challenges to development, strengthening global partnerships and assisting developing countries to access capital resources, market, transfer of technology, especially green technology, and to adapt to climate change.

