Vietnam, Singapore strengthen military cooperation

Vietnam, Singapore strengthen military cooperation - ảnh 1
Senior Lieutenant General Do Ba Ty (L) and Lieutenant General Ng Chee Meng (Photo: VNA)

(VOVworld) - Vietnam and Singapore agreed on orientations for their future defence cooperation during an official visit by the Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, Senior Lieutenant General Do Ba Ty.

Ty, who is also Vice Minister of National Defence, was officially welcomed at a ceremony held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defence of Singapore on Thursday during a 4-day visit made at the invitation of the Chief of Singapore’s Defence Force, Lieutenant General Ng Chee Meng.

During his meeting with Lieutenant General Ng Chee Meng, General Ty said bilateral defence cooperation has seen fresh changes and practical outcomes since the two countries’ relations were elevated to a strategic partnership in September, 2013.

He elaborated that dialogues and the exchange of visits that were well maintained at all levels have contributed to promoting mutual understanding and creating opportunities for result-oriented wide-ranging cooperation and coordination between forces.

The two sides agreed to increase visit exchanges of young officers, reinforce training cooperation and experience sharing, and boost collaboration when attending regional and global forums.

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