Vietnamese dancing robot among best toys this Christmas in US

According to the American Parent Association, a Vietnamese-made dancing robot named ‘Tosy DiscoRobo’ has been named among the best toys this Christmas Season on the biggest online shopping website

Vietnamese dancing robot among best toys this Christmas in US - ảnh 1

Tosy DiscoRobo, made by the Tosy Robotics Company, a company that makes high-tech toys and robots, is suitable for kids over 3. The product is now sold in Vietnam and internationally.
Pham Huyen Trang, Manager of Tosy’s International PR Department, told VOV: "Our products have been exported to more than 60 countries all over the world and are loved by children. Tosy DiscoRobo is a super-lovely robot for kids which can respond to sound and rhythm. It uses a byte detection technology called Detection Using Byte Sequence Analysis. When you turn on some music, this robot is able to hear it and dance to the rhythm of it. You can also use the application on your mobile phone to control the robot’s movements."

The website declared ‘Tosy DiscoRobo’ one of its eight favorite toys this Christmas Season.


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