VIFOTEC, WIPO awards presented

(VOVworld) - A ceremony to present the Vietnam Fund for Supporting Technological Creations (VIFOTEC) Awards and the 2012 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Awards for science and technology was held in Hanoi on Saturday. Organizers presented awards to 41 individuals and groups of individuals.

VIFOTEC, WIPO awards presented  - ảnh 1

On this occasion, WIPO gave 3 awards to the best enterprise which apply intellectual property system in its business, the best project and the best female author. Dinh The Huynh, Head of Party Central Committee’s Commission for Education and Information, told the ceremony: “After 18 times of awarding, winner projects have helped settle urgent issues of life, production, demonstrating the talent and innovation of Vietnamese scientists and promoting the creativity emulation campaigns. I highly appreciate the awards for scientific and technological innovations and propose more incentives for scientists’ new findings.”

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh presented the Order of Independence, second class, to VIFOTEC Fund. The Ministry of Science and Technology launched a 2013 contest for scientific and technological innovations

