Violence continues in Syria

Violence continues in Syria - ảnh 1
Violence continues unchecked in Syria (Photo: Novosti)

Violence continued yesterday/ on Friday in Syria and claimed the lives of at least 20 people, as the international community is mulling over sending more observers to monitor the tenuous cease-fire brokered by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan. Ten law-enforcement personnel were killed Friday when an explosive device weighing 100 kilograms ripped through their bus at the Saham Golan area in Syria's southern Daraa province. In another development, Russia the ceasefire can be considered successful when it protects Syria from a large-scale civil war.   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called for a new UN resolution to impose an arms embargo and other stronger measures against Syria if it fails to abide by the UN-brokered cease-fire.

