Teacher Nguyen Van Mot’s sympathy for the poor

(VOVworld) – Teacher Nguyen Van Mot in Dong Thap province has initiated many funds to support poor people. He has helped to bring joy to unfortunate people, helping to ease their miserable lives.

Teacher Nguyen Van Mot’s sympathy for the poor - ảnh 1

Despite his age and poor health teacher Nguyen Van Mot has been calling for donations to build facilities in support of disabled and poor people. Most recently he helped to build a charity kitchen and a library. Mot says: “Back in 2010 Sa Dec town had a program to improve education by offering two shifts a day. Most of the students dropped school because of poverty. I suggested providing them with free meals and my idea was well received by everyone.”

Mot was a member of the committee that ran Sa Dec when Vietnam was reunified in 1975. Ever since, he has been involved in mass mobilization work and charity activities. Mot has a great sympathy for poor people because he has a similar background.

Le Thi Xuan Thu, former principal of Kim Dong elementary school in Sa Dec, says teacher Mot encouraged them to take part in the charity kitchen initiative. Mot and 20 other teachers spend part of their monthly salary and pensions on food for the students. With the help of many local women, the teachers have divided themselves into 7 groups and take turns preparing the meals. Thu said: “Mot has mobilized us to establish this charity kitchen, which has received support from local authorities. We consider him our big brother.”

Teacher Nguyen Van Mot’s sympathy for the poor - ảnh 2

The teachers express their love and sympathy for the students through the meals they prepare for them each day to ensure that they have enough energy for the day.

Although Mot retired 5 years ago, he says he wants to contribute more to society: “I have thought of finding others to continue this job because no one lives forever. This job requires compassion, kindheartedness, and sympathy.”

Kim Dong students will never forget teacher Mot and his affection and his charity kitchen will remain forever in their memory.

