Vietnam to boost blue economy

(VOVWORLD) - Scenarios for Vietnam’s maritime economy were outlined in a report launched at a ceremony in Hanoi on Thursday, held by the Vietnam Administration of Seas and Islands at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the UN Development Program (UNDP).

“The blue economy scenarios for Vietnam” report covers the six major sectors of fishery, renewable energy, oil and gas, tourism, transport, environment, and eco-system. A number of scenarios up to 2030 have been developed for each sector, including a baseline scenario and the "sustainable development" or "blue" scenario, which is suitable and closely related to the blue economy.

The blue scenario brings about outstanding benefits in terms of GDP contribution of marine economic sectors and per capita income for marine workers. Studies show that the GDP from the blue scenario will be 12.9 billion USD higher than that of the base scenario in 2025 and 23.5 billion USD by 2030.

Pham Thu Hang, Deputy Director-General of the Vietnam Administration of Seas and Islands, said, "The report on Vietnam's marine economy towards a sustainable marine economy is one of the first studies on marine economic development with a new approach that initially visualizes the scale and role of industries in the current and future development of Vietnam's blue economy. The research results contribute to the implementation of Vietnam's marine economic development strategy."

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