Palestine and Israel Clash at UN General Assembly

Palestine and Israel Clash at UN General Assembly

(VOVworld) - Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas told the UN General Assembly on Thursday that Israel's ongoing settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank was destroying any hope of a two-state solution...
Egypt seeks to restore Middle East peace talks

Egypt seeks to restore Middle East peace talks

(VOVworld) – Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry arrived in Jerusalem on Sunday to discuss with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu restoration of the Middle East peace process
Palestine, Israel reject Quartet’s report

Palestine, Israel reject Quartet’s report

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday Palestine’s President Mahmoud Abbas called on the United Nations Security Council to reject a report by the Middle East Quartet - the UN, the US, the EU,...
Egypt: Palestinian issues remain top priority

Egypt: Palestinian issues remain top priority

(VOVworld) - Palestinian issues will always remain a top priority for Egyptian foreign policy, Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during his visit to the Ramallah...
Israel to build underground wall around Gaza Strip

Israel to build underground wall around Gaza Strip

(VOVworld) – On Thursday, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth revealed Israel’s plan to build a concrete wall that goes tens of meters aboveground and underground to deter attacks through underground tunnels...