Vietnam, Egypt exchange experience in green finance attraction

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese and Egyptian governments are committed to work closely to enhance green growth, considering it a sustainable development path amid the global post-COVID economic recovery and unexpected developments in international relations.

Vietnam, Egypt exchange experience in green finance attraction - ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Huy Dung takes a photo with meeting participants. (Photo: Tuan Nguyen)
At a workshop in Cairo on Tuesday, Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Huy Dung urged Vietnam and Egypt to leverage climate diplomacy serving the attraction of green financial resources.

Ambassador Rao'f Saad, Advisor to the Egyptian Minister of Environment, said countries have a golden opportunity to initiate a new phase in their bilateral relations by enhancing climate diplomacy and strengthening cooperation in technology research and transfer for mutual benefit.

They also discussed cooperation in banking, finance, and business startups to ensure that the Vietnamese and Egyptian economies carry out their green growth policies successfully.

