NA approves new Minister of Public Security

NA approves new Minister of Public Security

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly passed a resolution approving the appointment of Deputy Minister of Public Security Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang to the position of Minister of Public Security...
India holds historic election

India holds historic election

(VOVWORLD) -India on Tuesday began to count six weeks worth of general election votes. The world's largest, most complex election will determine India’s response to its current economic...
Bonn meeting in preparation for COP29

Bonn meeting in preparation for COP29

(VOVWORLD) - 6,000 experts from virtually every country are meeting in Bonn, Germany, at the annual conference of the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to...
Vietnam discusses UN UPR mechanism

Vietnam discusses UN UPR mechanism

(VOVWORLD) - The Department of Foreign Affairs under the Ministry of Public Security on Friday organized a discussion on the UN Universal Periodic Review mechanism on human rights in Tuy Hoa city...