Repatriating ISIS fighters, a thorny problem

Repatriating ISIS fighters, a thorny problem

(VOVWORLD) - Turkey continues to send ISIS prisoners back to their home countries from detention centers in northeast Syria, triggering tensions with European countries, who have revoked the citizenships of many...
Turkey begins returning IS fighters

Turkey begins returning IS fighters

(VOVWORLD) - A US national who is a member of the Islamic State has been deported home, a Turkish official said Monday, as Ankara began repatriating captured foreign IS fighters
EU calls for arms limit on Turkey

EU calls for arms limit on Turkey

(VOVWORLD) - EU members on Monday pledged to suspend weapons exports to Turkey in response to Ankara's incursion into northern Syria, but stopped short of implementing a formal EU-wide...
Turkey’s military operations in Syria

Turkey’s military operations in Syria

(VOVWORLD) - The world has seen fighting between the Turkish Army and the Kurds in northeastern Syria over the past few days, after the US withdrew its troops from the region. Although Turkish leaders...
Wednesday August 28,2019

Wednesday August 28,2019

(VOVWORLD) - First on our show today, we’d like to thank our listeners around the world for greeting us on the occasion of Vietnam’s 74th National Day coming...
Move over Hanoi Hannah … meet Havana Hannah

Move over Hanoi Hannah … meet Havana Hannah

(VOVWORLD) - On a summer morning just before Vietnam’s Reunification Day, April 30, an elderly American lady showed up at VOV’s office. All we knew about her was that she used to...
EU blocks Turkey from joining

EU blocks Turkey from joining

(VOVWORLD) - Turkey’s hopes of joining the EU are fading after the European Commission (EC) released its annual progress report on Turkey on Wednesday, blaming authoritarian rule for deteriorating...
US threatens to move F-35 work out of Turkey

US threatens to move F-35 work out of Turkey

(VOVWORLD) - US Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan warned Friday that the Pentagon will halt manufacturing support for the F-35 in Turkey if Ankara buys Russian missile defense system S...