Brilliant clothes of Pa Then women

Brilliant clothes of Pa Then women

(VOVWORLD) - The Pa Then is one of the 14 ethnic groups in Vietnam with a population of fewer than 10,000. They live mainly in Bac Quang and Quang Binh district of...
Oil and Gas - The “driving force” of Vietnam's economy

Oil and Gas - The “driving force” of Vietnam's economy

(VOVWORLD) - On November 27, 1961, the first oil and gas organization in Vietnam, the Oil Exploration Brigade, was established. Over more than six decades with numerous ups and downs, generations of oil and gas workers have exerted efforts and determination to...
Peruvian culture is reflected in its cuisine

Peruvian culture is reflected in its cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The Peruvian Ambassador to Vietnam says that every Peruvian person can cook well and cuisine is a source of their national pride, not just for its incomparable flavors and aromas, but because...
US, South Korea kick off joint air drills

US, South Korea kick off joint air drills

(VOVWORLD) - The United States and South Korea began major air exercises on Monday, involving 130 warplanes from both countries to simulate 24-hour wartime operations
Efforts fail to achieve cease-fire in Gaza

Efforts fail to achieve cease-fire in Gaza

(VOVWORLD) - Efforts to effect a cease-fire and end the conflict in the Gaza Strip have failed as a series of high-level diplomatic negotiations in recent days have yielded no...