Devoted teachers in remote areas

Devoted teachers in remote areas

(VOVWORLD) - In remote mountain areas, there are devoted teachers who endure hardships to educate children. Teacher Hoang Van Ninh has taught at a primary school in the most disadvantaged part of...
Wednesday October 13, 2021

Wednesday October 13, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - I hope this edition of the Letter Box finds you well. Recently we shared listeners’ comments and feedback on VOV’s other language programs. We found that many of...
Learning adapts to COVID-19 pandemic

Learning adapts to COVID-19 pandemic

(VOVWORLD) - Because many localities have continued to impose social distancing rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19, a new academic year has begun online. Teachers and pupils interact with each...
Death toll from Haiti earthquake nears 2,000

Death toll from Haiti earthquake nears 2,000

(VOVWORLD) - Some 2,000 people have died and approximately 9,900 were injured by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake which struck Haiti Saturday morning, government officials have confirmed. UNICEF has reported that...
Vietnam’s 26 years in ASEAN

Vietnam’s 26 years in ASEAN

(VOVWORLD) - Since Vietnam joined the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 26 years ago, it has proven itself a responsible member who plays a proactive role in the regional structure, working...
SmartROOM - Using digital devices in teaching

SmartROOM - Using digital devices in teaching

(VOVWORLD) - Online schooling has become a growing trend amid a rush of technology. Using digital devices in teaching is just one example of the current digital transformation of education. How does SmartROOM, a comprehensive...