Google program for Vietnamese startups, second season, launched

Google program for Vietnamese startups, second season, launched

(VOVWORLD) - Google, in cooperation with the Vietnam National Innovation Center (NIC), on Tuesday launched the second season of its training program for startups. Called "Google for Startups Accelerator, Southeast Asia: Vietnam", the program aims to support and accelerate...
Happy homes for stray, abandoned animals in Hanoi

Happy homes for stray, abandoned animals in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) - If there is a special kind of love in this world, it’s the love between pets and their owners. At least the faithful and unconditional love pets give us. But, what happens when your pets get sick, old or...
Floorball, Sweden’s beloved sport

Floorball, Sweden’s beloved sport

(VOVWORLD) - Have you ever watched or played Floorball? It’s something like indoor hockey and was invented in Sweden. It was introduced to Southeast Asia nearly 10 years ago but has attracted the attention of few people in...