Clinton takes lead over Trump in key states

Clinton takes lead over Trump in key states

(VOVworld) - Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton is leading Republican Donald Trump in key states in the race for the White House, according to opinion polls earlier this week
H5N2 bird-flu virus spread continues in the US

H5N2 bird-flu virus spread continues in the US

(VOVworld) - Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton declared Saturday an emergency over the widespread H5N2 avian influenza invasion of poultry farms, as the US first outbreaks in chickens and backyard poultry were...
Iowa wants closer ties with Vietnam

Iowa wants closer ties with Vietnam

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad welcomed Vietnam, US and other countries to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to open up trade and investment opportunities for countries in the Asia-Pacific
US Presidential Election: Last-minute efforts

US Presidential Election: Last-minute efforts

(VOV) – The 45th US Presidential election is less than 12 hours away. US presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have spent the last few days campaigning in crucial swing...
US Presidential Election: a close race

US Presidential Election: a close race

(VOVworld) – The US Presidential Election which will take place four months from now is shaping up as a very close race between incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama and his Republican rival, former Massachusetts...