Hamas-Israel conflict overcasts Middle East

Hamas-Israel conflict overcasts Middle East

(VOVWORLD) -The Hamas-Israel conflict is a geopolitical cataclysm overshadowing the Middle East this year. It’s the largest conflict of the past few decades between Israel and the Islamist movement...
PM visits family of Abe Shinzo

PM visits family of Abe Shinzo

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visited the family of late Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo on Monday, within the framework of his trip to attend the Commemorative Summit for...
100 entrepreneurs, businesses of Hanoi honored

100 entrepreneurs, businesses of Hanoi honored

(VOVWORLD) -A ceremony was held in Hanoi on Sunday to honor prominent entrepreneurs and businesses, who have made contributions to the socio-economic development of the capital city and the...