Russia-Ukraine conflict sees more tension

Russia-Ukraine conflict sees more tension

(VOVWORLD) - The prospect of a peaceful solution for the Russia-Ukraine conflict is dim, given recent developments, dominated by military operations. The West’s tough rhetoric and heavy military equipment...
1973 Paris Peace Accords in retrospect

1973 Paris Peace Accords in retrospect

(VOVWORLD) -A get-together was held in Hanoi on Friday for historical witnesses to look back on the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam (Paris Peace Accords...
Top 10 world events in 2022 selected by VOV

Top 10 world events in 2022 selected by VOV

(VOVWORLD) - The Russia-Ukraine conflict, the global economic recession, and the world population reaching 8 billion are among the top ten world events selected by the Voice of Vietnam
Russia sets conditions for dialogue with US

Russia sets conditions for dialogue with US

(VOVWORLD) - Substantive dialogue on strategic stability between Moscow and Washington can take place if the US respects Russia's security interests, Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Nuclear Non...