The value of independence and freedom

The value of independence and freedom

(VOVWORLD) - On September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence, declaring to the world an independent Vietnam with its people free to master their own destiny....
Sudan military leader arrives in Egypt

Sudan military leader arrives in Egypt

(VOVWORLD) - Sudan’s military leader General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan arrived in Egypt on Tuesday on his first trip abroad since a conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid...
Vietnam strengthens fight against corruption

Vietnam strengthens fight against corruption

(VOVWORLD) - Since the 13th National Party Congress, Vietnam's fight against corruption and negativity has achieved several outstanding results, becoming an irreversible trend. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who is...
Afghanistan: Two years of Taliban rule

Afghanistan: Two years of Taliban rule

(VOVWORLD) - Afghanistan has experienced two difficult, challenging years since the withdrawal of the US forces and the takeover by the Taliban. People's lives have become more difficult due to reduced aid...
Vietnam – Asia’s new tourism hotspot

Vietnam – Asia’s new tourism hotspot

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam welcomed more than 1 million foreign tourists in July, up 6.5% against June. It was the first month Vietnam has received more than 1 million foreign tourists since...