2014 Winter Olympics opens

2014 Winter Olympics opens

(VOVworld) – The 2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony will occur on Friday in Sochi, Russia, attended by 40,000 guests, including Russia’s President Vladimir Putin
US-Russia relations in 2013

US-Russia relations in 2013

(VOVworld) – Russian Itar-Tass news agency on Tuesday had an exclusive interview on US-Russia relations in 2013 with US Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communication Ben Rhodes
Terrorism is a threat to CSTO members

Terrorism is a threat to CSTO members

(VOVworld) – Terrorism is a threat to member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Russian Presidnet Vladimir Putin said at the closing ceremony of the CSTO summit in Sochi city...
Spy case strains US- Russian relations

Spy case strains US- Russian relations

(VOVworld)- Relations between Russia and US have been strained by the arrest and expulsion of a US Embassy official in Moscow suspected of trying to recruit a Russian agent with...
Vietnam – Russia: firm, reliable partnership

Vietnam – Russia: firm, reliable partnership

(VOVworld) - President Truong Tan Sang returned to Hanoi today concluding a successful 5-day trip to Russia to bolster the Vietnam – Russia strategic partnership. VOV reviews the trip