Hue culture spotlighted at Hue Festival 2018

Hue culture spotlighted at Hue Festival 2018

(VOVWORLD) - Hue Festival 2018 which concluded last week served as a rendezvous of culture and art from all over the world. In addition to colorful performances by foreign art troupes,...
Hue Festival 2018: cultural essence manifestation

Hue Festival 2018: cultural essence manifestation

(VOVWORLD) - The Hue Festival 2018 themed “Cultural heritage with integration and development: Hue – one destination, five world heritages” will take place from April 27 to May 2 next year. The biennial festival...
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A: Ha Long Bay, Vietnam’s “Bay of the Descending Dragon”, is located in the Gulf of Tonkin in Quang Ninh province, about 180 km from Hanoi. With its exceptional...
Wednesday January 20, 2016

Wednesday January 20, 2016

(VOVworld) - We’ve made a good start in 2016. We welcome new listener Koji Nakayama of Japan, who listened to us on January 4 and sent us a reception report
Wednesday, July 2 2014

Wednesday, July 2 2014

First on our show today, we’d like to welcome Gianluca Romani, our new listener from Italy. Gianluca wrote: “This is my first reception report to Radio Voice of Vietnam. The signal of your...
Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay

(VOVworld) – Ha Long Bay, Vietnam’s "Descending Dragon", is located in the Tonkin Gulf in Quang Ninh province, about 180 km from Hanoi
First rays of the sun on Cape Dai Lanh

First rays of the sun on Cape Dai Lanh

(VOVworld) - Located in the central province of Phu Yen, Cape Dai Lanh seems to be the first place bathed in the morning sunlight. With its picturesque landscape, Cape Dai Lanh...
Hue Festival, National Tourism Year opens

Hue Festival, National Tourism Year opens

(VOVworld) - The Hue Festival and the national tourism National Tourism Year – Northern Central Coastal Area 2012 kicked off on Saturday night in the Ngo Mon Square of the former imperial...