Historic milestones in national development

Historic milestones in national development

(VOVWORLD) - April 30, 1975, was a profoundly significant day for the Vietnamese people. On that day, the country was reunified and entered a new era of peace and national construction,...
US, UK expand sanctions against Russia

US, UK expand sanctions against Russia

(VOVWORLD) On Wednesday, the US and the UK updated their lists of sanctions against individuals and legal entities with ties to Russia. In total, 30 individuals and 90 Russian legal...
Intellectuals contribute to national advancement

Intellectuals contribute to national advancement

(VOVWORLD) - "In every era and every country, intellectuals always form an important force to promote national development", said Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong at a ceremony to mark 60 years since President Ho Chi...
National Competition Commission inaugurated

National Competition Commission inaugurated

(VOVWORLD) -The National Competition Commission, an agency under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, was inaugurated in Hanoi on Wednesday, according to a Government Decree regulating the functions, rights and duties...