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Long Chau lighthouse is located in Long Chau Archipelago, about 50 kilometers from Hai Phong City. (Photo: NTLong)
Looking down, Long Chau Archipelago resembles beautiful gems scattered on a giant potted plant. Amidst the beautiful view, Long Chau Island and the lighthouse are the highlights. (Photo: NTLong)
(Photo: NTLong)
From afar, the lighthouse looks like a giant pen writing on the sky. (Photo: NTLong)
Long Chau lighthouse stands 109.5 meters above sea level and its light beam can reach 27 nautical miles. Ships and boats 50km away from the lighthouse can still catch a glimpse of the light. (Photo: NTLong)
The lighthouse overlooks the entire archipelago, which makes it suitable for guarding and aiding ships in navigating the areas, especially near small islands and reefs. (Photo: NTLong)
The complex geography of the area increases the likelihood of boats colliding with the reefs and getting stranded. This is especially true at night or on stormy days where visibility is severely hampered without aid from the lighthouse. (Photo: NTLong)
During wartime, Long Chau and Hon Dau lighthouses played an important role in aiding no-number ships transporting weapons and supplies from the North to the Southern battlefront. (Photo: NTLong)
Long Chau lighthouse has stood tall for the past 129 years, overlooking the East Sea and has aided thousands of ships navigating in the Gulf of Tonkin. The lighthouse has withstood thousands of storms, more than 300 airstrikes from the US Air Force, and thousands of tons of bombs raining down. It became a witness to Northern Vietnam’s sovereignty and history. (Photo: NTLong)

Long Chau Lighthouse - a light that never flickers

(VOVWORLD) - Since 1894, Long Chau lighthouse, Vietnam’s oldest and largest lighthouse, has stood tall in Cat Hai district lighting the way for thousands of ships traveling on the Gulf of Tonkin.