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Bac Lieu wind farm area has been a favorite sightseeing spot in recent years offering visitors a chance to witness the giant wind turbines with their own eyes.
Along with the opportunity to explore the wind power field, they can also visit pristine mangrove forests and fish cages.
From Bac Lieu city, passing through the ancient longan garden and Xiem Can pagoda, travelers reach the farm located in the coastal area of Vinh Trach Dong Commune, more than 10km from the city center.
A ticket to the wind farm is just 1.2 USD.
Bac Lieu wind farm, built in 2010, was the first wind power project in Vietnam. It is one of the largest wind power projects in the country.
This is also the first wind farm in Southeast Asia built on the continental shelf, with 62 turbines along the coast. Each turbine stands at about 80m high and boasts propellers of 42m long.
With a beautiful landscape, the area has quickly become a popular tourist attraction.
With the proper arrangement of the turbines. the road to the wind farm is easy.
Early morning or late afternoon are the best time to visit the wind farm as you can admire the sunrise and sunset over the sea.
The site was recognized as a typical tourism destination of the Mekong Delta Tourism Association in 2019.

Wind farm - a new tourist spot in Bac Lieu province

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam's first wind power project, built back in 2010 at a cost of tens of millions of USD in investment, has fast become a popular destination for tourists in the Mekong Delta province of Bac Lieu.