EU: Blockade of Cuba is not a solution

EU: Blockade of Cuba is not a solution

(VOVWORLD) - Blockading Cuba is not the solution, EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Wednesday on a 2-day trip aimed to strengthen ties with Havana
Cuba holds local elections

Cuba holds local elections

(VOVWORLD) -Millions of Cuban voters participated in local elections on Sunday, the first step in the process of selecting a successor to President Raul Castro
US expels 15 Cuban diplomats

US expels 15 Cuban diplomats

(VOVWORLD) - The Trump administration on Tuesday expelled 15 Cuban diplomats from Washington after a string of health incidents affected 22 US diplomats in Havana
President receives new ambassadors

President receives new ambassadors

(VOVWORLD) -President Tran Dai Quang on Tuesday received the ambassadors of Israel, Bangladesh, Finland, Austria and Cuba, who presented their credentials
Deputy PM receives delegations from Cuba, Laos

Deputy PM receives delegations from Cuba, Laos

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh has reiterated Vietnam’s solidarity with, and the support of the Vietnamese Party, government, and people for, Cuba’s revolution
Cuba willing to talk to US

Cuba willing to talk to US

(VOVWORLD) - Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez has said that Cuba maintains its willingness to continue a respectful dialogue and cooperation with the US, and to negotiate pending bilateral issues