Fitch lowers US’s credit rating

Fitch lowers US’s credit rating

(VOVWORLD) - Fitch Ratings, one of the top three global credit watchdogs, downgraded the US’s credit rating on Tuesday from AAA to AA+ due to increased public debt and political dysfunction
IMF raises global growth forecast 2023

IMF raises global growth forecast 2023

(VOVWORLD) -In its latest World Economic Outlook released on Tuesday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) revised up its forecast for global growth this year by 0.2 percentage points to 3%,...
Google program for Vietnamese startups, second season, launched

Google program for Vietnamese startups, second season, launched

(VOVWORLD) - Google, in cooperation with the Vietnam National Innovation Center (NIC), on Tuesday launched the second season of its training program for startups. Called "Google for Startups Accelerator, Southeast Asia: Vietnam", the program aims to support and accelerate...
PM chairs Government meeting on law-making for June

PM chairs Government meeting on law-making for June

(VOVWORLD)-Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Thursday requested concentrated resources to prepare well, ensure the progress and quality of law making, saying laws and regulations must match the practical situation,...