New rice ceremony of the Van Kieu

(VOVWORLD) - Rice has always been part of the life of the Van Kieu on the Truong Son mountain range in Quang Tri province. Because their life depends on the terraced rice...
PM receives leaders of US enterprises

PM receives leaders of US enterprises

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted receptions in New York on Thursday for leaders of several US corporations as part of his trip to attend the high-level...
Soc Trang monk dedicated to social work

Soc Trang monk dedicated to social work

(VOVWORLD) - 79-year-old Most Venerable Thach Huon of the Khmer ethnic group is the head of Prey Chop pagoda in the Mekong Delta province of Soc Trang. A former National...
New school year begins in Truong Sa

New school year begins in Truong Sa

(VOVWORLD) - Schools in Truong Sa Island district, in the central province of Khanh Hoa, were adorned with flags and flowers as students joyfully celebrated the official start of the new...