Global challenges to eliminate racial discrimination

Global challenges to eliminate racial discrimination

(VOVWORLD) - March 21 is observed by the United Nations as “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination”. Amidst increasing international conflicts, economic instability, climate crisis, and the technology boom,...
Diplomatic sector promotes trade, investment agreements

Diplomatic sector promotes trade, investment agreements

(VOVWORLD) - At the 31st session of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Monday, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son answered deputies’ questions on the implementation of bilateral and multilateral agreements, solutions to take advantage of...
Niger ends military agreement with US

Niger ends military agreement with US

(VOVWORLD) -Niger’s military government announced that it has ended an accord with the US that allowed military personnel and civilian staff from the Department of Defense to operate in...
2023 deadliest year for migrants in a decade

2023 deadliest year for migrants in a decade

(VOVWORLD) -At least 8,565 people died on migration routes worldwide in 2023, making it the deadliest year since record-keeping began a decade ago, the UN's International Organization for Migration...