World Food Day 2023: Water is life

World Food Day 2023: Water is life

(VOVWORLD) - Since 1945, World Food Day is observed annually on October 16. World Food Day is not only about celebrating the amazing food that people have the privilege of indulging in, but it is about raising awareness for people who do not have...
EU, China strive for balanced trade cooperation

EU, China strive for balanced trade cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - China and the EU held a high-level economic and trade dialogue on Monday in Beijing to ease trade tensions and improve their comprehensive strategic partnership which is facing...
Wednesday September 13, 2023

Wednesday September 13, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - This week, VOVWorld’s English section continued to receive greetings on Vietnam’s National Day and VOV’s 78th founding anniversary from listeners around the world
Young people opt for late marriage: happy or lonely?

Young people opt for late marriage: happy or lonely?

(VOVWORLD) - The belief that getting married and having children brings the necessary stability of “settling down” was widely embraced by previous generations in Vietnam. Marriage was viewed as a primary life goal, along with acquiring a...
Google program for Vietnamese startups, second season, launched

Google program for Vietnamese startups, second season, launched

(VOVWORLD) - Google, in cooperation with the Vietnam National Innovation Center (NIC), on Tuesday launched the second season of its training program for startups. Called "Google for Startups Accelerator, Southeast Asia: Vietnam", the program aims to support and accelerate...
Bhutan’s secret to a happy life

Bhutan’s secret to a happy life

(VOVWORLD) - Bhutan is an amazing place in terms of human development, where they do not use GDP as a marker of economic development, but Gross National Happiness as a marker of real development...
Biden: US-China relations on the right trail

Biden: US-China relations on the right trail

(VOVWORLD) - US President Joe Biden said on Monday he thinks relations between the United States and China are on the right trail and suggested progress was made during a rare trip to...
Floorball, Sweden’s beloved sport

Floorball, Sweden’s beloved sport

(VOVWORLD) - Have you ever watched or played Floorball? It’s something like indoor hockey and was invented in Sweden. It was introduced to Southeast Asia nearly 10 years ago but has attracted the attention of few people in...