Unique wedding procedures of the Ede  ​

Unique wedding procedures of the Ede ​

(VOVWORLD) - The Ede people are matriarchal so weddings are normally initiated by women. The bride's family is responsible for preparing betrothal gifts, and the groom's family has the privilege of...
Iran reacts to IAEA report on uranium enrichment

Iran reacts to IAEA report on uranium enrichment

(VOVWORLD) -Iran's atomic energy chief Mohammad Eslami said Wednesday that there was "nothing new" in a nuclear watchdog report saying Tehran had reversed a months-long slowdown in its uranium...
Young people confirm vanguard role in new era

Young people confirm vanguard role in new era

(VOVWORLD) - Nearly 700 delegates are attending the 11th National Congress of the Vietnamese Students Association in Hanoi from December 18-20. They expressed their aspiration to contribute to national development...