Vietnamese animation company sets two records

Vietnamese animation company sets two records

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese animation studio Sconnect has officially been recognized for two records in the fields of animated film copyrights and multilingual distribution on digital platforms, marking the first time...
Khap Thai – folk singing of the ethnic Thai

Khap Thai – folk singing of the ethnic Thai

(VOVWORLD) - Khap Thai are folk songs and romantic tunes of the Thai ethnic minority group in Vietnam which have been handed through generations verbally or in written form. Khap is...
Wednesday December 13, 2023

Wednesday December 13, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - We hope this edition of the Letter Box finds you well. As Christmas and the New Year approach, we are receiving lots of greetings from listeners, which really makes...
Vietnam consistantly ensures, promotes human rights

Vietnam consistantly ensures, promotes human rights

(VOVWORLD) - The view of the Communist Party of Vietnam on human rights and the rights of citizens has been recognized, inherited and developed in many Party documents throughout different periods, said...
Party chief highlights friendly neighborliness with China

Party chief highlights friendly neighborliness with China

(VOVWORLD) -Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized the friendly neighborliness and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China as he received visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in...