Germany’s ruling coalition under threat of uncertainty

Germany’s ruling coalition under threat of uncertainty

(VOVWORLD) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel's governing coalition between the CDU-CSU alliance was facing an uncertain future, as her hardline conservative interior minister Horst Seehofer offered his resignation this Sunday...
EU Summit reaches agreement on migration

EU Summit reaches agreement on migration

(VOVWORLD) -European Union leaders reached an agreement on migration after almost 10 hours of tough talks in Brussels on thorny issues threatening the bloc and free travel zone and German...
EU divided by migration issues

EU divided by migration issues

(VOVWORLD) - As the EU Summit approaches, member countries are seeking consensus on many issues. High on the agenda is migration, which has caused division within the EU, heightened by...
Germany seeks solutions to refugees issue

Germany seeks solutions to refugees issue

(VOVWORLD) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte have agreed on the need to beef up Frontex and the EU's external border police
US imposes steel tariffs on EU, Canada, Mexico

US imposes steel tariffs on EU, Canada, Mexico

(VOVWORLD) - US President Trump on Thursday imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imported from the EU, Canada, and Mexico. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross said the tariffs, 25% on steel and 10...
New path for Iran nuclear deal

New path for Iran nuclear deal

(VOVWORLD) - Despite the US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, other signatories of the deal are seeking a new path for the deal
Fading Iran nuclear deal

Fading Iran nuclear deal

(VOVWORLD) - Israel’s accusation that Iran is hiding a nuclear program has raised public concern, especially with US President Donald Trump’s deadline to renegotiate the Iran nuclear deal drawing close. Otherwise...
Angela Merkel visits US

Angela Merkel visits US

(VOVWORLD) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel began a visit to the US on Friday to address controversial issues between the 2 parties