Philippines government, MILF move toward peace deal

Philippines government, MILF move toward peace deal

(VOVworld) – Negotiators of the Philippine Government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) committed on Saturday to attaining peace despite a bloody gun-battle last week on the southern island...
Clashes in Philippines kill dozens

Clashes in Philippines kill dozens

(VOVworld) – At least 30 people were killed in clashes Sunday between the Philippine’s Special Action Force (SAF) and Muslim rebels in eastern Philippines
Philippines, MILF sign historic peace deal

Philippines, MILF sign historic peace deal

(VOVworld)- The Philippines government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the country’s largest Muslim rebel group, have signed a peace accord ending 4 decades of violence in the...

Philippine government, MILF end peace talks

The Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) have concluded the 29th round of formal peace negotiation to build up a new political entity in Southern Philippines. In a joint...