China, India strengthen political trust

China, India strengthen political trust

(VOVworld)- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Beijing on Thursday, the first leg of his tour of 3 East Asian countries. The visit aims at strengthening trade cooperation between...
India, Russia boost strategic cooperation

India, Russia boost strategic cooperation

(VOVworld) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed ways to strengthen the strategic partnership in national defense, energy, and trade, at the 15th annual India-Russia...
Indian Prime Minister visits the US

Indian Prime Minister visits the US

(VOVworld) – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi began a 5-day visit to the US on Thursday to strengthen US - India ties, especially trade ties
US State Secretary visits India

US State Secretary visits India

(VOVworld) - US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in India on Wednesday on his first official visit since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office in May
New Indian Cabinet sworn in

New Indian Cabinet sworn in

(VOVworld)-Narendra Modi was sworn in yesterday/ on Monday as India's 15th prime minister, offering a new, more conservative government to a country thirsty for economic change. The ceremony took place...
India strengthens security for Modi’s oath

India strengthens security for Modi’s oath

(VOVworld) – Indian authorities have strengthened security in New Delhi for the swearing-in ceremony of the new Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be held at the Presidential Palace on Monday