Vietnam aims to end tuberculosis by 2030

Vietnam aims to end tuberculosis by 2030

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has set a goal of ending tuberculosis by 2030, Director of the Central Lung Hospital and Chairman of the National Tuberculosis Control Program Nguyen Viet Nhung said on...
Light Journey photo exhibit

Light Journey photo exhibit

(VOVWORLD) - On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the LPA photography club has organized a charity photo exhibit called "Light Journey
“Save Our Seas”— Only action brings changes

“Save Our Seas”— Only action brings changes

(VOVWORLD) - Photographer Nguyen Viet Hung last year traveled more than 7,000 kilometers on his motorbike throughout 28 provinces and cities along Vietnam's coast to capture plastic waste pollution
First exhibition on plastic waste opens in Hanoi

First exhibition on plastic waste opens in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and photographer Nguyen Viet Hung, aka Lekima Hung, have co-organized a photo exhibition on plastic waste in Hanoi on Tuesday in response to World Environment Day...