Gaza casualties exceed 100,000

Gaza casualties exceed 100,000

(VOVWORLD) - The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza reported Tuesday that more than 100,000 people in Gaza are dead or injured as a result of the Israeli military’s...
Iran arrests 32 suspects of deadly Kerman attacks

Iran arrests 32 suspects of deadly Kerman attacks

(VOVWORLD) - Iranian security forces have arrested 32 suspects allegedly involved in last week’s deadly terror attacks in the southeastern Iranian city of Kerman, leaving more than 360 people dead and...
ECDC warns of surge in Legionnaires' disease in Europe

ECDC warns of surge in Legionnaires' disease in Europe

(VOVWORLD) - European authorities must be vigilant in detecting and monitoring outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease, a form of pneumonia that has seen a surge to unprecedented levels in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic...
Dak Lak doctor resolved to end tuberculosis

Dak Lak doctor resolved to end tuberculosis

(VOVWORLD) - Chau Duong, Director of Dak Lak province’s Lung Hospital, is known for his great contribution to tuberculosis (TB) treatment. He has set the target of ending tuberculosis earlier...
WHO warns COVID-19 not over yet

WHO warns COVID-19 not over yet

(VOVWORLD) -The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday warned again against complacency in fighting COVID-19, urging for coordinated action and political commitments to save lives and prevent economic and...
WHO makes recommendations for ending pandemic

WHO makes recommendations for ending pandemic

(VOVWORLD) - In his latest weekly COVID-19 report, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called on countries to sustain their achievements in fighting the epidemic through effective measures,...