The world accelerates AI management and application

The world accelerates AI management and application

(VOVWORLD) - As artificial intelligence (AI) is having major impacts on all socio-economic aspects, countries have stepped up the building of legal frameworks to manage the technology while accelerating technological...
US court to consider keeping Trump off 2024 ballot

US court to consider keeping Trump off 2024 ballot

(VOVWORLD) - On Monday, a court in Denver, Colorado, opened a hearing on a lawsuit filed by a group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics against former President Donald Trump for his involvement in...
PM urges Amazon to expand operations in Vietnam

PM urges Amazon to expand operations in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh urged online retail giant Amazon to expand its operations in Vietnam while receiving Susan Pointer, Amazon's Vice President of International Public Policy & Government Affairs...