Doi Tam village and the art of drum making

Doi Tam village and the art of drum making

(VOVWORLD) - In Vietnam, drums are a traditional instrument at festivals and weddings. They are also used to announce arrivals to the community, signal when school starts or ends, and accompany musical performances. Depending on...
Iran threatens to resume nuclear program

Iran threatens to resume nuclear program

(VOVWORLD) - Iran will resume enriching uranium at its Fordow nuclear site if the nuclear deal it signed with world powers collapses, said Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesperson of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran...
Cameroon separatists kidnap 40

Cameroon separatists kidnap 40

(VOVWORLD) - Armed separatists in Cameroon have abducted 40 people, including a government official in the English speaking Southwest Region
Yemeni separatists seize government

Yemeni separatists seize government

(VOVWORLD) - Southern Yemeni separatists on Tuesday detained government officials inside the presidential palace after taking control of Aden city
Russia blasts US sanctions

Russia blasts US sanctions

(VOVWORLD) -Russia has vowed to give a proper "response" to US sanctions, shortly after Washington imposed a new round of bans over Russia's alleged role in the Ukrainian crisis
Brexit tough negotiations in 2017

Brexit tough negotiations in 2017

(VOVWORLD) -The leaders of the European Union’s 27 member states have formally agreed to move to the next phase of Brexit talks at a summit in Brussels last Friday....