Earthen houses of the Mong ethnic minority

Earthen houses of the Mong ethnic minority

(VOVWORLD) - The earthen-wall houses of the Mong in Si Ma Cai district in the northern province of Lao Cai are a harmonious structure of earthen walls and wooden frames....
Highlights of recent NA session

Highlights of recent NA session

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly concluded the 1st part of its mid-year session last week, completing the set agenda for legislation, oversight, the state budget, socio-economic issues, and other issues. The...
Ho Chi Minh City River Festival closes

Ho Chi Minh City River Festival closes

(VOVWORLD) - The 10-day Ho Chi Minh City River Festival closed on Sunday, with thousands of people gathering to watch an artistic light drone show and water sports performances
600 people join yoga performance

600 people join yoga performance

(VOVWORLD) -The 10th International Yoga Day with the theme "Yoga - Empowering Women" was held on Sunday in Phan Thiet city by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Binh...
US restores Gaza pier for aid deliveries

US restores Gaza pier for aid deliveries

(VOVWORLD) - The US military-built pier designed to carry badly needed aid into Gaza by boat has been reconnected and food and other supplies will begin to flow soon, US...
Foodtour in Hanoi’s Old Quarter impresses tourists

Foodtour in Hanoi’s Old Quarter impresses tourists

(VOVWORLD) - The Foodtour program in Hanoi's Old Quarter offers tourists a taste of authentic Hanoi cuisine while showcasing the capital's renowned historical landmarks. Organized by Outing Trip Technology Joint...
Vietnamese flavors introduced at Thaifex Anuga 2024

Vietnamese flavors introduced at Thaifex Anuga 2024

(VOVWORLD) - 160 Vietnamese enterprises joined by thousands of other companies around the world at this year's THAIFEX - Anuga Asia to showcase their premium products. Standout Vietnamese packaged food and...
NA begins Q&A session today

NA begins Q&A session today

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly begins the two-and-a-half-day question-and-answer session on Tuesday, focusing on four groups of issues of natural resources and environment, industry and trade, auditing...
Q&A session: Deputies fulfill responsibility to voters

Q&A session: Deputies fulfill responsibility to voters

(VOVWORLD) - The question and answer session at the ongoing National Assembly (NA) meeting will span 2.5 days, starting Tuesday. Issues to be covered include natural resources and the environment; industry and trade; auditing...