Capital market development for start-up businesses

Capital market development for start-up businesses

(VOVworld) – A seminar on the development of the capital market for start-up businesses opened in HCM city on Tuesday. Delegates shared their experiences in mobilizing investment funds for start-ups in a...
1,760 communes recognized as new rural areas

1,760 communes recognized as new rural areas

(VOVworld)- A supervisory team from the National Assembly Standing Committee and representatives from the government and ministries have discussed the implementation of a national target program on building new rural...
Belgium tense following terror attacks

Belgium tense following terror attacks

(VOVworld)- Belgium and Europe in general are now tense following 3 terrorist bombings on March 22 at Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro station in Brussels. 31 people died and 300...
D-8 pledges to enhance intra-trade

D-8 pledges to enhance intra-trade

(VOVworld) –Leaders of eight Muslim developing countries, known as the D-8 group, convened a meeting in Islamabad, Pakistan on Wednesday to discuss the enhancement of trade volume through implementing its Preferential...
Panama Canal’s strategic importance

Panama Canal’s strategic importance

(VOVworld) – The Panama Canal, the vital waterway connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, is being upgraded and is scheduled to reopen on May 31. The canal has been an important...
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A: These days, all of us are eager to welcome the New Year 2016. I really love this exciting atmosphere. VOV has already begun receiving New Year’s greetings from...