Vietnam, Tonga establish diplomatic ties

Vietnam, Tonga establish diplomatic ties

(VOVWORLD) - Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son and his Tongan counterpart Fekitamoeloa Utoikamanu witnessed the signing in New York on Thursday of a Joint Communiqué on the establishment of Vietnam-Tonga...
From Academia to the Asia-Pacific

From Academia to the Asia-Pacific

(VOVWORLD) - As COVID-19 keeps on devastating all countries around the globe, its impact can be felt in all economic sectors including education. Peter Mason, CEO of Cufa, an independent, secular, not-for-profit...
World welcomes 2018

World welcomes 2018

(VOVWORLD) - The world rang in 2018 with spectacular celebrations. The Pacific islands of Samoa, Tonga, and Kiribati were the first to welcome the New Year, followed by New Zealand. Thousands of locals...