Love at the Warming House

Love at the Warming House

(VOVworld) – Nguyen Quoc Phong founded the Warming House, a school for children in Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, in 1999. The house has become a haven for visually...
Japanese fest kicks off in Ho Chi Minh City

Japanese fest kicks off in Ho Chi Minh City

(VOVworld)- Festival goers in Ho Chi Minh City will have the opportunity to explore and experience the cultural roots and contemporary influences of Japan on November 14-15 at a...
Clap film festival promotes new talents

Clap film festival promotes new talents

(VOVworld) – The first film festival gathering new talents in film making, be it for cinema, television or the internet is ongoing in Hanoi until the weekend. Entitled ‘Clap! Hanoi’, the event,...
VOV celebrates 69th anniversary

VOV celebrates 69th anniversary

(VOVworld) - Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) will continue to implement its renovation strategy to master modern technology and produce quality output to better cater to the needs of audiences,...
Obstacles to US-EU TTIP negotiations

Obstacles to US-EU TTIP negotiations

(VOVworld) – Negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the US and the EU began in Washington on Monday with bilateral relations still raw after Edward Snowden’s...
7,000 people join the “I love Hanoi” campaign

7,000 people join the “I love Hanoi” campaign

(VOVworld)-Nearly 7,000 young people attended the opening ceremony of the ‘I Love Hanoi’ campaign in the capital city on Saturday. The event marks 58 years since the first Hanoi Liberation Day (October 10)...
Ramadan ends on unpeaceful note

Ramadan ends on unpeaceful note

(VOVworld)- The Muslim holy month of Ramadan is over. According Ramadan tradition, people were supposed to pray and do good deeds during this month, but conflicts and bloody clashes in...