Bomb attacks in Iraq kill 69 people

Bomb attacks in Iraq kill 69 people

(VOVworld) – 69 people were killed and 100 others injured in a spate of bomb attacks on Tuesday in Baghdad, Iraq. An attack in Shiite al-Shaab district killed 34 people...
Canada consistently not to pay ransom to terrorists

Canada consistently not to pay ransom to terrorists

(VOVworld) – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that Canada will never pay ransom to terrorists despite domestic controversies after a Canadian-British hostage was beheaded Monday by militants in...
Tunisia eliminates an IS logistics supplier

Tunisia eliminates an IS logistics supplier

(VOVworld) - A 12-member terrorist network with links to IS has been eliminated by Tunisian National Guards and local security forces, said Tunisia’s Interior Ministry on Thursday

IS threatens to attack European capitals

(VOVworld) – The Islamic State (IS) published a video on Tuesday in which an IS member threatened to carry out terror attacks in Europe, targeting London, Berlin, and Rome
Two more US citizens killed in Brussels attack

Two more US citizens killed in Brussels attack

(VOVworld) – A State Department official confirmed Sunday the deaths of two more US citizens in last week’s Brussels suicide bombings, which increases the number of American casualties to four
Pope Francis condemns global terrorism

Pope Francis condemns global terrorism

(VOVworld)- Pope Francis censured the culprits of recent terrorist attacks, remembered the victims, and appealed to the international community to stop violence in his Easter speech on Sunday
Four arrested in Paris for terror plot

Four arrested in Paris for terror plot

(VOVworld) – Four suspected jihadists were arrested in Paris on Wednesday. Belgium is on high alert after a police raid in Brussels tied to the Paris massacre last November