Violence breaks out in Beirut

Violence breaks out in Beirut

(VOVworld) – Clashes between supporters and opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad erupted in Lebanon’s capital Beirut on Sunday killing one person and injuring 15 others
Violence continues in Nigeria

Violence continues in Nigeria

(VOVworld) – At least 212 people were killed as suspected gunmen of the Islamist extreme group Boko Haram attacked Maiduguri on Friday to rescue the group soldiers being kept by the...
Vietnam protests child violence

Vietnam protests child violence

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has reiterated that it’s necessary to promote cooperation, enhance technical assistance among governments, international organizations, UN agencies, and non-governmental organizations to protect children’s rights in...
80 people killed in violence in Iraq

80 people killed in violence in Iraq

(VOVworld) - At least 31 people, including a candidate for the upcoming parliamentary elections, were killed and 49 others wounded in separate violent attacks across Iraq on Saturday
Violence continues in Iraq

Violence continues in Iraq

(VOVworld) – At least 17 people were killed and 26 others injured in a wave of violence that swept across Iraq on Sunday
Thai army urges factions to avoid violence

Thai army urges factions to avoid violence

(VOVworld) - Thailand’s Army Chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha appealed for calm on Thursday ahead of a long holiday weekend during which thousands of people are expected to join anti-government protests...
2013: Instability and hot spots remain

2013: Instability and hot spots remain

(VOVworld)- Contrary to optimistic signs of the global economy, the world witnessed several political fluctuations last year. Continuous global security challenges are worrying the public about the possibility of resolving...
Middle East: 2013’s most unstable region

Middle East: 2013’s most unstable region

(VOVworld)- In 2013, the Middle East topped the list of the world’s most unstable regions due to clashes between Israel and Palestine, Syria’s civil war and Iran’s nuclear...
Iraq: bombs kill and injure 150 pilgrims

Iraq: bombs kill and injure 150 pilgrims

(VOVworld) - At least 46 people were killed and 100 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq Thursday. The bloodiest incident occurred when a suicide bomber blew up himself among a procession of...
Thai anti-government protests turn violent

Thai anti-government protests turn violent

(VOVworld)-At least two people were killed and 45 others were wounded when clashes broke out yesterday/ on Saturday between Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra government supporters and anti-government protesters in Thailand...
Iraq: violence kills and injures over 100

Iraq: violence kills and injures over 100

(VOVworld) – Iraqi police say at least 23 people were killed and 95 others injured in attacks across the country on Saturday. The bloodiest attack was near the Shiite mosque in Tuz Khurmatu,...