Kimjang culture of making and sharing Kimchi

Kimjang culture of making and sharing Kimchi

(VOVworld) – Kimjang is the most typical example of food culture in the Republic of Korea. In Korean, Kimjang means making large quantities of Kimchi. In 2013, UNESCO recognized Kimjang as an intangible cultural...
Tale of Kieu in Romanian language

Tale of Kieu in Romanian language

(VOVworld)- A Romanian version of the great epic poem by poet Nguyen Du (1766–1820) has just been handed as a gift to the Nguyen Du Memorial Centre in the...
Summer break for children in northwest Vietnam

Summer break for children in northwest Vietnam

(VOVworld) – While many children in urban areas enjoy their summer vacation on beautiful beaches and in luxury resorts, children in the northwest region of Vietnam stay at home to help...
Paris attacks suspect extradited to France

Paris attacks suspect extradited to France

(VOVworld) – Antoine Denevi, suspected of supplying arms to terrorist Amedy Coulibaly who carried out deadly terrorist attacks in Paris last year, has been extradited from Spain to France
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A: In an email to VOV this week, SB Sharma of India asked about some special food made with green bananas, so we’ll tell you about snails cooked with green banana...
How to eat like the French

How to eat like the French

(VOVworld) - French people have a national pride in many things, and French cuisine is definitely one of them. It is no surprise that in a country so famous for its gastronomy, many traditions...
New Ebola death in Liberia

New Ebola death in Liberia

(VOVworld) - A 15-year-old boy has died of Ebola in Liberia less than three months after the country was declared free of the virus, officials have told the BBC. He tested positive last...
Colombian President urges signing of a peace deal

Colombian President urges signing of a peace deal

(VOVworld) – Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has suggested organizing a meeting between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to push ahead with the signing of a...
Ho Chi Minh City receives Bangladeshi President

Ho Chi Minh City receives Bangladeshi President

(VOVworld) - Ho Chi Minh City will do its utmost to promote friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Bangladesh, Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Le Hoang Quan told Bangladeshi...