Migrants’ adaptation enhanced during integration

Migrants’ adaptation enhanced during integration

(VOVWORLD) - Migration is an indispensable part of the development process. It contributes to economic growth and social development, makes up for labor shortages, and promotes the transfer of technology
World Food Day 2023: Water is life

World Food Day 2023: Water is life

(VOVWORLD) - Since 1945, World Food Day is observed annually on October 16. World Food Day is not only about celebrating the amazing food that people have the privilege of indulging in, but it is about raising awareness for people who do not have...
Harvest Supermoon to be observed in Vietnam

Harvest Supermoon to be observed in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese astronomy lovers will be given the opportunity to witness the final Supermoon of 2023, also known as Harvest Moon, due to take place in Vietnam on Friday
Petrovietnam promotes solutions to maintain oil, gas production

Petrovietnam promotes solutions to maintain oil, gas production

(VOVWORLD) - Implementing the direction of the Government, the Prime Minister and the conclusion of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Vietnam, on September 19, the General Director of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam), issued Directive...
Vietnam PM meets with UN Secretary-General

Vietnam PM meets with UN Secretary-General

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said on Thursday that Vietnam is actively cooperating with UN organizations to implement collaboration activities, particularly in ensuring international security, participating in the UN’s peacekeeping...
PM suggests Vietnam, US create cooperation breakthroughs

PM suggests Vietnam, US create cooperation breakthroughs

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh suggested Vietnam and the US create breakthroughs in cooperation in science-technology, innovation, and education-training at a meeting with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai...