US adjusts sanctions on Russia

US adjusts sanctions on Russia

(VOVworld) - The US Treasury Department on Thursday eased economic sanctions on Russia, allowing some cyber-security transactions with the Russian Federal Security Service, accused of meddling in the US electoral...
Vietnam joins charity fair in Ukraine

Vietnam joins charity fair in Ukraine

(VOVworld) - The Vietnamese Embassy in Ukraine participated in a charity bazaar in Kiev along with 40 other embassies and international organizations. The Vietnamese booth showcased traditional agricultural products, medicines, and handicrafts...
Vietnam joins charity fair in Ukraine

Vietnam joins charity fair in Ukraine

(VOVworld) - The Vietnamese Embassy in Ukraine participated in a charity bazaar in Kiev together with over 40 embassies and international organisations based in the capital
Nguyen Duc Toan- a talented Vietnamese composer

Nguyen Duc Toan- a talented Vietnamese composer

(VOVWorld) – Vietnamese artists this year mourn the death of many talented musicians and composers. Earlier this month, on October 7, 2016, Colonel composer Nguyen Duc Toan passed away leaving behind...
Ukraine to increase military budget

Ukraine to increase military budget

(VOVworld) - Ukraine will increase its budget spending for military modernization next year by 64 percent to about 445 million USD. Dmytro Gutsulyak, a spokesman for the Defence Ministry, was quoted...
New ceasefire announced for eastern Ukraine

New ceasefire announced for eastern Ukraine

(VOVworld) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced on Wednesday that government forces will abide by a ceasefire agreement in eastern Ukraine, set to take effect Thursday and last for at least...
New crack in Russia-Ukraine relations

New crack in Russia-Ukraine relations

(VOVworld) – Russia had a row with Ukraine last week, after Moscow had accused Kiev of attempting attacks on Crimea to trigger a new conflict in the region. The row, the most...
Russia-Ukraine relations remain tense

Russia-Ukraine relations remain tense

(VOVworld) – A court in Chechnya has sentenced two Ukraine citizens, Mykola Karpyuk and Stanislav Cliché, to 22 and a half and 20 years imprisonment respectively for participation in combat actions...