Health worship ceremony of the Ede

Health worship ceremony of the Ede

(VOVWORLD) - Health worship is an important ritual of the Ede ethnic group living in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak. It shows the respect of children and filial piety to their...
Rain blessing ceremony of the Ha Nhi

Rain blessing ceremony of the Ha Nhi

(VOVworld) – The rain blessing ceremony is one of 7 annual festivals of the Ha Nhi. It takes place at the end of the summer when rice and maize are maturing. Rituals at the rainy season festival...
Crop blessing rite of the Ha Nhi

Crop blessing rite of the Ha Nhi

(VOVworld) – The Ha Nhi have many important ceremonies each year including the Lunar New Year festival, forest worship, and crop blessing rite. To Tuan describes the Ha Nhi’s crop...
Worship of hamlet genies

Worship of hamlet genies

(VOVworld) – Living in high mountains, the Ha Nhi depend largely on nature. They believe that genies have blessed them with a peaceful life and given them forests, water, rice, and other...
Traditional work of the Ha Nhi

Traditional work of the Ha Nhi

(VOvworld) – Settling in high mountains for hundreds of year, the Ha Nhi depend on agricultural production on terraced fields. They have well-organized irrigation systems and have mastered cultivation techniques on terraced...
Ha Nhi’s worship of the kitchen genie

Ha Nhi’s worship of the kitchen genie

(VOVworld) – The Ha Nhi consider water the source of life and fire the source of power. The woodstove space is the key spot in their house. They put a sacred...
The Hà Nhì ethnic group

The Hà Nhì ethnic group

(VOVworld) – The Hà Nhì ethnic group has about 21,700 people living in Vietnam’s northwestern provinces bordering China and Laos
Wedding ceremony of the Khmer

Wedding ceremony of the Khmer

(VOVworld) – Getting married is an important event in a person’s life. Khmer boys and girls are free to date but must follow many rules and customs for marriage. Today...
Traditional dance of the Khmer

Traditional dance of the Khmer

(VOVworld) – The Khmer have developed many dances for different occasions which reflect their creativity, aesthetic sense, and cultural and social values
Khmer costumes

Khmer costumes

(VOVworld) – The clothing of the Khmer in southern Vietnam is unlike the costumes of other ethnic groups
 5-tone musical instrument of the Khmer

5-tone musical instrument of the Khmer

(VOVworld) – The Khmer in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta have inherited Angkor culture with influences from the local wet rice civilization and Chinese and Cham ethnic groups
Chol Chnam Thmay festival of the Khmer

Chol Chnam Thmay festival of the Khmer

(VOvworld) – Chol Chnam Thmay is the New Year celebration of the Khmer. Their biggest festival of the year marks the end of the dry season and the beginning of a new...
 Doi pagoda of the Khmer

Doi pagoda of the Khmer

(VOVworld) – There are about 600 Khmer Theravada pagodas in the Mekong Delta. Doi, which means Bat in English, is one of the most beautiful pagodas with typical Khmer architecture. Doi...
Typical architecture of Khmer pagodas

Typical architecture of Khmer pagodas

(VOVworld) – People who visit Khmer villages in the Mekong Delta are impressed by the high towers and curved roofs surrounded by palm trees of the pagodas. The 600 Khmer...
Pagodas of the Khmer

Pagodas of the Khmer

(VOVworld) – The Khmer are Buddhist followers and they build pagodas wherever they live. Pagoda is not purely a religious place but also a school for children and a venue for people...
Flat “Cốm’ of the Khmer

Flat “Cốm’ of the Khmer

(VOVworld) – “Com dep”, flat glutinous green rice is a specialty of the Khmer in Soc Trang and people in the Mekong River Delta. “Com dep” is a popular dish and...
Ngo junk race of the Khmer in Soc Trang

Ngo junk race of the Khmer in Soc Trang

(VOVworld) – The Khmer in southern Vietnam race Ngo junks as part of the Ooc Om Bok festival to worship the Moon on the 10th lunar month. It’s a typical...